The First State Key Laboratory in Glass Industry Has Passed Acceptance Test
16.09.2015 views:2217

On July 24, the State Key Laboratory of New Float Glass Technology based at Bengbu Glass Industry Design and Research Institute and built by China Luoyang Float Glass Group Co., Ltd. has passed the acceptance testing organized by Ministry of Science and Technology. The experts of the testing team all agreed that the laboratory has fulfilled beyond expectation its planned objectives with proper research directions, focused targets, fruitful R&D achievements, and distinct characteristics. “The State Key Laboratory of New Float Glass Technology represents China’s overall cutting-edge leading technology and the latest achievements in glass industry”, said Delong Xu, the Vice President of Chinese Academy of Engineering.

The State Key Laboratory of New Float Glass Technology is the very first state key laboratory in glass industry, dedicated to explore the resolution to critical issues relating to new glass technology needed in the course of the nation's economic development and setting directions for future advancement of glass industry. The lab has established corresponding regulatory rules and operating mechanism in four areas including high quality float glass technology, energy conservation technology, design of and coating technology for membrane materials, and new glass materials. It is in the world’s leading position through carrying out research and development in cutting-edge, generic, and core technologies, resulting in a series of major achievements including ultra-thin glass for electronic display, PV glass, ultra-white and ultra-thin glass, and glass technology for energy savings.

The State Key Laboratory is a R&D institution affiliated with a legal entity while maintaining relatively independent administrative power in human resources and financial management. As a key part of the nation’s science and technology innovation system, it offers an important platform for organizing national level study in basic research and applied basic research, gathering and training outstanding scientists, and promoting academic exchanges.
