How Can Tempered Glass Spontaneous Breakage Be Prevented?
Time:2025-01-13 Hits:639

The spontaneous breakage rate of tempered glass typically ranges from 0.3% to 3%. Although this probability is relatively low, it is essential to understand the preventive measures for tempered glass spontaneous breakage:

Reducing the Stress Level in Tempered Glass

Regular float glass may suffer from insufficient strength or thermal breakage but does not experience spontaneous breakage. This suggests that lowering the stress level in tempered glass can help reduce its spontaneous breakage rate.

Ensuring Uniform Stress Distribution in Tempered Glass

Uneven stress distribution in tempered glass significantly increases the risk of spontaneous breakage, a phenomenon even more pronounced in bent tempered glass. By ensuring uniform stress distribution, the spontaneous breakage rate can be effectively reduced.

Performing "Heat Soaking" Treatment

"Heat soaking" treatment should not be misunderstood as submerging glass in a high-temperature liquid. Also known as "induced breakage" treatment, this process involves placing tempered glass in a heating furnace and maintaining it at a specific temperature for a certain duration. This allows nickel sulfide particles within the glass to undergo rapid phase change, causing tempered glass that might have broken spontaneously during use to break inside the heat soak chamber instead. Heat soaking treatment also enhances stress uniformity, earning it the alternative name "homogenization treatment."

Spontaneous breakage of tempered glass poses a significant safety risk, particularly for residents of high-rise buildings. While many measures can effectively reduce the rate of spontaneous breakage, it remains impossible to eliminate this phenomenon entirely. When purchasing tempered glass, it is advisable to inquire about or pay attention to the brand of the tempering furnace used to produce the glass. Glass made with furnaces from reputable, high-quality manufacturers tends to have better performance and a much lower spontaneous breakage rate. For consumers, choosing high-quality tempered glass is a crucial step in ensuring the safety of yourself and your family. Avoid buying glass from small, unregulated workshops, as trying to save a little money could compromise safety and put lives at risk.