LandGlass Glass Tempering Furnace in USA
20.12.2019 views:12768

GLASSWERKS, INC., Established in 1980 in Los Angeles, California,  is a full-service fabricator of commercial and heavy-fabricated glass, architectural, tempered, and laminated glass, decorative glass, and other custom glass products. Staffed by experienced glass fabrication personnel and equipped with state-of-the-art glass manufacturing equipment, Glasswerks serves the requirements of customers in the California and Nevada markets.

LandGlass Glass Tempering Furnace in USA

Glasswerks contacted LandGlass for the glass tempering furnace as early as 2013. The professionalism and efficiency of LandGlass team made a very good impression on them. As a result, they signed the contract for their first LandGlass glass tempering furnace, LD-A2852T soon . And the facts proved that they made a very good decision. LandGlass glass tempering furnace works very well and the product made by it is well received by the customers. After then, they bought another three LandGlass glass tempering furnaces to help them won more customers. In December 2015, the fourth LandGlass glass tempering furnaces, LD-A2450U was installed in Glasswerks.

LandGlass Glass Tempering Furnace in USA

"For Your Next Leap" is a commitment that LandGlass is endeavoring to fulfill with actions every day. LandGlass is taking active and practical actions to achieve win-win cooperation and innovation through joint efforts with customers.
